A 60-years career behind, Bruno Bozzetto is esteemed as one of the most eclectic and influential Cartoonists of yesterday and of today.
His minimalist style focuses on the content more than the aesthetics to talk about universal themes with an educational approach and through a scratching irony that make his films suitable for a young adult audience.

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From the 1960s up to today he has made over three hundreds films that earned him 130 acknowledgments among which the remarkable Winsor McCay Award, 5 Silver Ribbon Awards, an Honorary degree, 15 Awards to the Career, an Oscar Nomination (to the short 'Grasshoppers') and a Berlin Golden Bear Award (to 'Mr Tao').
Quali Anime stanno trasmettendo in tv che possiamo vedere tutti senz. A essere abbonati? Diamo un'occhiata: Italia 1 ore 6.40 I Puffi ore 7.00 Hello Spank ore 7.30 Una per tutte, tutte per una ore 8.00 Anna dai capelli rossi Rai Gulp ore 13.20 Belle e Sebastien Italia 2 ore 8.10 What's my destiny Dragon Ball ore 8.34 What's my destiny Dragon Ball ore 17.35 Che campioni Holly e Benji ore. Iscriviti per vedere altri cartoni animati sui camion: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oyzuO-9gpI0wn39JFhwHw?subconfirmation=1. PEPPA PIG italiano nuovi episodi 2015 cartoni animati in italiano peppa pig 2015 peppa pig carto. PJ Masks Italiano Bambini 12 + 13 Nuovi Episodi Cartoni Animati Clicca per iscriverti!: Unisciti a Connor, Amaya e Greg, tr.
Amongst the most famous titles of his own production and of co-production it's worth pointing out
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Cartoni Animati X Bambini
Synthesis is the most important goal for an artist. It's a marvellous and yet difficult goal to achieve.
'West&Soda' (1965), 'Vip my brother Superman' (1968), 'Allegro non troppo' (1976), 'Mr Rossi looks for happiness' (1975), 'Under the Chinese Restaurant' (1987), 'Europe&Italy' (1999), 'Quark' and 'Superquark' (educational animated episodes written by science journalist Piero Angela).
Today Bruno keeps working in the industry by creating new subjects, by animating and sketching on his own, but also cooperating to wider projects through Bozzetto&Co Studio of Production. He also takes part to films festivals, events and masterclasses in Italy and worldwide.
Several exhibitions have been set up through the years, the most prestigious of which is 'Animation, Maestro!', wanted by Diane Disney Miller in 2013, at the Walt Disney Family Museum of San Francisco. The Bozzetto crew believes that an original artwork-based exhibition is the best way to show the magic of animation through original sketches, storyboards and especially cels.